Friday, June 29, 2012

Is it hot enough for ya?

This week has been hot and the weekend promises to be hotter.  The weather put a real damper on getting things done. Sprinklers and drip systems have been running full tilt, partially just to keep things cool, and unfortunately these high temperatures have put an end to all of our spring vegetables. The turnips, radishes, broccoli and the last of the lettuce have all gone to flower, making them bitter and inedible. On a better note the first tiny eggplant and peppers are hanging from the plants, I ate a few cherry tomatoes and the slicing tomatoes are starting to ripen.

            This week there was no planting due to the high temps, but I will play catch up over the next week. The last of the new irrigation system was finally installed and all of the straw mulch is now down. I trellised the last planting of tomatoes, as well as the flowers, and built tee-pees for the pole beans.  Weeding is just about finished, though it looks like we need to head back to the beginning and start again. 

The harvest has been really good this week; frisee, lots of onions, beets, fava beans, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, fennel, dill, cilantro, basil and other herbs, the first of the zinnias and celosia for the floral department, beets and swiss chard.  Sorry I don’t have time for more folks, but as I said earlier I am way behind.  Have a good week, and stay hydrated.

1 comment:

  1. The gardens looks amazing and they have your handwriting ALL over them! meredith and I took a walk through the garden by Chef's house and I couldn't help taking a nibble of all the different herbs- it is so cool to be able to 'scratch and sniff' all the plants and see which aromas(many of them!) I can find in the wines we taste. Your hard work is so obviously and it is such an amazing pleasure to get to see the fruits of your labor on the guests tables each night and hear the 'oooh's and aaaah's' as they taste each flavor.


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